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5 Family-Friendly Movies Made by Diverse Filmmakers
5 Family-Friendly Movies Made by Diverse Filmmakers 1. 'Crooklyn' (1994) Written and directed by Spike Lee, this coming-of-age story is told from the perspective of a 10-year-old girl. It's great for kids 12 and over. 2. 'The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun' (2000) This film tells the story of a young girl with a disability making her way on the streets of Dakar, Senegal. 3. 'The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind' (2019) Main character William helps bring electricity and irrigation to his Malawian village through the use of a wind turbine. 4. 'Wadjda' (2012) The first Saudi Arabian film to be directed by a woman, 'Wadjda' tells the story of a 10-year-old girl set on winning a bike race. 5. 'Pachamama' (2018) In this animated film, 10-year-old Tepulpai goes on a hero's journey seeking to become the next shaman of his Andean village.