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6 Heartwarming Stories of Best Friends Who Went the Extra Mile

0 Views· 02/28/25
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<a class="link" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Heartwarming-Best-Friend-Stories-Video-37660065"></a><p>When Erling Kindem turned 90, he didn't expect his 4-year-old friend Emmett to give him a huge surprise! Emmett visited Erling at his retirement home and gave him dog tags with the phrase "Emmett & Erling. Friends Forever." The phrase was engraved in Norwegian, Erling's childhood language, and Emmett kept a matching set for himself as a reminder of their unlikely friendship that developed months before.</p><br /><p>Emmett isn't the only friend who went the extra mile. From the straight teen who asked his gay best friend to prom to the group of friends who shaved their heads to support their friend with cancer, these heartwarming friendship stories are going to make you smile. </p>

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