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Ace producer Selassie Ibrahim joins in neighborhood gutter cleaning
Top Ghanaian actress Selassie Ibrahim has demonstrated that she is not just a woman of the silver screens, but also an advocate for keeping the environment clean and also a strong character that will go to any length to support a good cause. Last Saturday, the beautiful actress of many years and CEO of Smarttys Management & Production did something many of her colleagues in the film industry will dare not do. She took some time off her busy schedule to clean choked gutters at the Nima Market, a suburb of Accra-Ghana. The exercise was aimed at encouraging indigenes to inculcate the habit of keeping their environment clean. Also, it was her way of supporting and giving back to society. The cleanup exercise began about 8:00am Saturday and lasted for some hours. Many had thought Selassie Ibrahim would only play a supervisory role as the boss by ordering her workers to clean the choked gutters while she looked on. However she surprised those around when she also descended into the gutters to clean them. It amazed a number of onlookers as not many Ghanaian actresses would go to that extent but equally brings to the fore what they have had to go through and how hard they have had to work to achieve their present status. The actress-turned-producer looks to a productive year ahead.