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Angry Birds Epic: Epic Arena
Angry Birds Epic: New Update Player Vs Player Arena
<br>Angry Birds Toons:
<br>Angry Birds Epic By Rovio Entertainment
<br>Angry Birds Epic:
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<br>Plants vs Zombies 2 All Stars:
<br>Plants vs Zombies 2 Dark Ages:
<br>Plants vs Zombies 2 Kungfu World:
<br>Plants vs Zombies 2 Funlist:
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<br>Get ready for a bird-tastic FREE RPG adventure filled with weapons (whatever they could get ahold of), magic, bad guys and silly hats! Lead your feathery team into battle now -- its going to be EPIC!
<br>EPIC BATTLES! Turn-based battles between our heroic flock of warriors and those green snout-nosed scoundrels! Its easy to play, but difficult to master!
<br>EPIC WORLDS! Explore a fantasy Piggy Island with everything from tribal villages and frosty mountains to tropical beaches and mysterious caves!
<br>EPIC CHARACTERS! Join Red, Chuck, Bomb and the other heroes as they face King Pig, Wiz Pig, Prince Porky and many more villains!
<br>EPIC UPGRADES! Level up your charers, armor, weapons and potions to become a legendary hero ready to take on the mightiest pig warrior!
<br>EPIC WEAPONS! Craft amazing battle-winning weapons like a wooden sword, frying pan or stick thingy with a sponge on top!
<br>EPIC HUMOR! Plenty of offbeat humor and tons of quirky charers dressed in awesomely silly costumes - like a prickly cus hat and a matching sword.