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Authors Book Trailer -Damage-
Launching In June 2017. [a][a]www.authortrailers.com[/a][/a] is proud to announce book trailers for authors to help create buzz about their book. Videos are a popular, easy way to share information and to entertain. Trailers are meant to give people a quick look at your whole book, conveying its subject and tone while giving just enough information to get them excited and pique their interest. Book trailers engage more senses than a written review and will stand out in potential buyers’ minds. <br />A video trailer is a cost-effective, entertaining marketing tool that readers are likely to remember, and it even works while you sleep. [a][a]www.authortrailers.com[/a][/a] will take images/videos/audio from an author’s book and or create one for you, or stock images provided by the author, and create a video similar to this one. Shared your new book video on social media, your author’s website or blog, emailed, etc. Don't be overwhelming with this challenging task. Contact us today to ease your video burdens with our quick turn-around and affordable prices. [a][a]www.authortrailers.com[/a][/a]