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Bollywood superhero film 'Krrish 3' proves a hit with fans
Superheros are non too common in Indian culture and virtually non-existent in Bollywood films.<br /><br />But seven years on from ‘Krish’ in 2006 – the second instalment in this trilogy, Bollywood hunk Hrithik Roshan reprises his role in ‘Krrish 3’. His mission? What else. To save the world from evil. <br /><br />Along with fellow actor Priyanka Chopra, he debated whether this is India’s first superhero movie:<br />Roshan: “The last part saw the birth of the superhero. The first one was kind of a foundation that we created because we don’t really have the culture of comic books. Our superheroes, the superhero, needed to be invented from scratch.”<br />Chopra: “His story needed to be told. We don’t have the Marvel, DC, Batman comics thing going.”<br />Roshan: “So this is the third in the trilogy and this one is your first fully-fledged superhero film with its super-villain and its band of mutants.”<br />Chopra: “There have been other attempts but only this one’s worked.”<br />Roshan: “So far so good!”<br /><br />Directed by Hrithik’s father Rakesh Roshan, the film has won over a legion of fans already. The hotly awaited Youtube trailer has clocked up over 17 million views so far. To put that into context, ‘Thor’ got around 10 million and ‘The Avengers’ 16 million. <br /><br />Hrithik Roshan says he never expected that response: “It took us by surprise actually because crossing the likes of ‘The Avengers’ and ‘Thor’ was something that is a great achievement for a Hindi film, considering that we don’t have a universal language. This is the first Indian film which is completely home, home, homegrown. All the video effects have been done in India.”<br /><br />“Krrish 3” hits UK screens on 1 November.