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Businessman creates Euro 2024 merchandise celebrating John McGinn's BUM
A businessman is selling bizarre merchandise celebrating the BUM of Scotland's John McGinn - which he says is flying off the shelves ahead of the Euros.<br /><br />Kevin Beresford, 72, is flogging jigsaw puzzles, drinks coasters and mugs featuring the backside of the Aston Villa midfielder in tribute to his "dynamic derrière". <br /><br />Kevin said he wanted to commemorate the Tartan Army reaching the Euro 2024 tournament in Germany by doing something "a bit different".<br /><br />So he created the wacky range of Scotland memorabilia dedicated to the player's famous buttocks entitled: "The Wonderful World of Super John McGinn's Arse." <br /><br />McGinn has been nicknamed 'BraveArse' by supporters due to his uncanny ability to hold off opponents using his rear end.<br /><br />The tough-tackling 29-year-old previously admitted the body part has helped his career thrive, saying: "If I didn't have my backside, I'd probably be at Yeovil.<br /><br />"I don’t think anyone has a backside the size of me."<br /><br />Kevin, who is known as Britain's Dullest Man, is now selling the coasters and mugs for £8.99 each while the jigsaw puzzle will set fans back £17.99. <br /><br />Kevin, of Redditch, Worcs., said: "I just wanted to do something a bit different to the usual St George's and St Andrew's Cross flags you see everywhere in the shops. <br /><br />"Scotland have done incredibly well to get to the Euros so I wanted to commemorate the occasion in a unique way - and I think this ticks that box.<br /><br />"I'm a Villa fan and it's fair to say he is also Scotland's most popular player with their fans, so I thought he would be perfect. <br /><br />"And as any Villa or Scotland fan knows he utilises his brilliant backside with amazing success when holding off defenders or other midfielders. <br /><br />"He uses his buttocks to baffle and battle his opponents and then does his trademark John McGinn turn.<br /><br />"It's almost unique what he does, I've never seen another player use their backside to their advantage like he does.<br /><br />"He almost goes horizontal in a crouching position and just sticks out this dynamic derrière, which is worthy of a Greek God. <br /><br />"We were having some debate about whether to use the word arse but I think it's funnier than bum or buttocks. <br /><br />"Plus the Scots are well known for their colorful language so I can't see it offending them. <br /><br />"I saw Richard Attenborough use it in a 1950s film, so I think by now its been diluted enough to be acceptable. <br /><br />"Also John McGinn is a well-known joker in the dressing room so I'm pretty sure he'll enjoy this."<br /><br />Dad-of-four Kevin, a retired painter, is backing an England v Scotland final if the teams can avoid each other along the way in Germany.<br /><br />Kevin, who previously sold calendars dedicated to Jack Grealish's calves, added: <br />"I'm hoping for an England versus Scotland final - that would be really nice. <br /><br />"I'm one of these supporters who likes to see the home nations do well at football and rugby even though it might not be reciprocated.