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Child trafficking drama opens London Indian Film Festival
The London Indian Film Festival got off to a glittery start on Thursday night, with dozens of stars and guests traipsing the red carpet.<br/> <br />The festival, now in its fifth year, opened with the European premiere of "Sold".<br/> <br />Based on a best-selling novel, the gritty drama tells the tale of a young Nepalese girl trafficked into a brothel in Kolkata, India.<br/> <br />As she tries to escape, her calls for help catch the attention of an American photographer, who makes it her mission to free the enslaved girl.<br/> <br />X-Files actress Gillian Anderson plays the activist photographer.<br/> <br />She said she felt compelled to take the role, even though the early script only had one line of dialogue.<br/> <br />(SOUNDBITE) Actress Gillian Anderson, saying: (English)<br/> <br />"Well the director and producer, Jeffrey, came to me quite a long time ago with the script when the character was a single line and asked, if just based on the importance of the issue, whether it was something that I would be interest