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Clint Eastwood’s Unfussy Filmmaking Explored In New REELZ Doc—’He Was Pretty Tough’
At 90 years old, and with a career spanning over six decades, Clint Eastwood is one of the most successful actors and film directors of his generation. Now, REELZ explores his life and legendary career in Clint Eastwood: Hollywood Outlaw, airing Saturday, October 24, at 8 p.m. ET. <br /><br />Featuring interviews with son Kyle Eastwood, Eastwood biographer Marc Eliot, actor Ryan Phillippe (who starred in Flags of Our Fathers, directed by Eastwood) and film critic Grae Drake, the new documentary charts Eastwood's transition from actor to A-list director.<br /><br />Known for his straight-shooting, unfussy filmmaking, Hollywood Outlaw shows how Eastwood worked in the shadows of the Hollywood system and bucked traditional methods to make movies on his own terms — his own way. <br /><br />BEAUTY, TALENT & ADDICTION: WHITNEY HOUSTON'S FINAL DAYS RE-EXAMINED IN REELZ DOC<br /><br />[caption id="attachment_1002221810" align="alignnone" width="1024"] MEGA[/caption]<br /><br />Eastwood's son, Kyle, describes his dad as a renegade artist straddling the worlds of studio filmmaking and independent passion projects. "I realized at a pretty early age that he had a different job than most of my friend's parents," he said. <br /><br />On set, Eastwood would take an unconventional approach, but according to the upcoming documentary, it didn't matter — because Eastwood's artistry was unmatched. "Clint would say, 'You see that door? That's called the exit. Get out.' He was pretty tough," explained biographer Eliot, "but he could do it because his films made money." <br /><br />Phillippe, who starred in <i>Flags of Our Fathers</i>, observed Eastwood’s work close up and recalls working with the master director in this intimate portrait of a true Hollywood great. "He's a guy who exists both within and without the system," said Phillippe of Eastwood's relationship with Hollywood.<br /><br />REELZ.<br /><br />Watch REELZ on www.reelz.com.