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Doin’ It In The Park: The Creative Journey - Episode 2
In Episode 2, "Doin' It In The Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC" co-directors Bobbito Garcia and Kevin Couliau share insight into how they created their self-funded documentary, including picking locations, dealing with the toll and danger that comes along with the streets of New York, and how the community, as well as their love for playing, helped them along the way!<br /><br />The first-time filmmakers visited 180 courts throughout NYC's five boroughs, and traveled to a majority of the locations by bicycle, carrying camera equipment and a ball in their backpacks. The film's title refers as much to the subject matter as it does to the method of filmmaking, providing an unprecedented perspective on urban America's most popular, and accessible, free recreation.<br />Stay tuned for other episodes revealing Bobbito Garcia and Kevin Couliau's creative process in making the Audience Award Winner for Best Feature Film at the Urbanworld Film Festival 2012!<br /><br />Follow the filmmakers journey on :<br />doinitinthepark.com/<br />facebook.com/doinitinthepark<br />twitter.com/doinitinthepark<br /><br />Music: 20 Syl