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Family of Moose Visit Friendly Backyard
Occurred on September 5, 2021 / Fairbanks, Alaska, USA<br /><br />: "Moose visit our yard in Fairbanks often during the year but especially in the fall to clean out my garden while they’re fattening up for the winter ahead. I’ve learned to plant carrots for the moose and tomatoes, zucchini, and sunflowers for me. Our garden boxes are up against the house so when the moose come around we can get an up-close and personal view. On this day we had extra special visitors, a cow, and her twins! The young ones were so curious smelling around our backyard table, and so close my husband could have reached out and petted them. But when it came to momma moose eating his crab apple tree, no no!! Later I saw that they had indeed snacked on the garden carrots and then moved on to the neighbors garden."