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Filipino gunmen release US hostage
Former hostage Gerfa Lunsman takes her place at a news conference in Zamboanga City in the Philippines.<br/> Police say the U.S. citizen was found wandering near a town on the southern island of Basilan on Sunday after being held captive for nearly three months.<br/> (SOUNDBITE) (English) ZAMBOANGA CITY MAYOR CELSO LOBREGAT, SAYING:<br/> "From the quick response and the tight hug that she gave, she was happy to be free."<br/> Her 14-year-old son is still being held by suspected militants.<br/> Lunsman and her son were vacationing on Basilan when gunmen captured them.<br/> Officials say her husband was in contact with the kidnappers.<br/> (SOUNDBITE) (English) ZAMBOANGA CITY MAYOR CELSO LOBREGAT, SAYING:<br/> "The communication between the kidnappers and the husband has been going on for quite some time."<br/> Lunsman was born in the Philippines and adopted by a U.S. couple.<br/> Authorities believe the kidnappers are connected to al Qaeda, which is active in the area.<br/> Jessica Gray, Reuters