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Get The Facts On Noni Juice Benefits (Organic Super Foods)
http://www.superfoodhealthyliving.com/<br />http://www.superfoodhealthyliving.com/products.html<br /><br />Noni is a well known fruit originating from French Polynesia and which is also cultivated in Hawaii. Noni is seen as being a special fruit in Hawaii because of all the benefits it has when it comes to health. The sacred medicine men and women of Hawaii have worked with noni for hundreds of years and are well aware of its ability to cure such wide ranging ailments as pain arising from joint inflammation as well as stomach upsets. Although noni juice benefits are widely known we are only now beginning to understand how and why it works. Noni fruit grown on the Hawaiian islands is cultivated in nutrient rich soil and is allowed to fully mature before it is harvested and made in to noni juice. Because of this, noni juice which comes from Hawaii has a taste which is superior to other kinds of noni juice since the latter tend to be made from fruit which is picked too early. There are a great number of noni juice benefits including an enhanced sense of vitality and well being from drinking as little as a glass a day. There is ongoing scientific investigation into noni juice benefits however the FDA is yet to evaluate any health claims about the juice so please do keep this is mind.Although this is the case some of the main noni juice benefits which are often mentioned are:<br /><br />Better Digestion: Within the digestive tract itself noni helps the body to break down many enzymes therefore enhancing the absorption of important nutrients.For our bodies to make proper use of the nutrients in food, good absorption in the digestive tract is vital so noni juice plays an important role in digestion.<br /><br />Healthier Immune System: A properly function immune system is critical for good health. Drinking noni juice benefits you by giving your immune system a boost assisting to protect you from harmful microbes and toxins.<br /><br />Better Cardiovascular Health: Noni contains a substance called scopoletin which has been scientifically demonstrated to lower blood pressure. In addition, noni juice increases the body's natural production of nitric oxide. The latter eases the load on the heart as well as the arteries since it helps to relax and dilate blood vessels.<br /><br />Allows for a Clear Mind and Promotes Relaxation: It is said that noni juice increases the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin has a positive effect on our mood and when it is balanced we feel emotionally uplifted and at peace. It's important for there to be healthy levels of serotonin in the brain because this also stimulates our minds and keeps us mentally sharp and aware.<br /><br />Noni juice benefits even beyond the aforementioned are that it contains a high amount of antioxidants. <br /><br />http://www.superfoodhealthyliving.com/article-Marine-Phytoplankton.html<br />http://www.superfoodhealthyliv....ing.com/raw-foods-bl