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Hostage Survivor Blames Philippine Authorities
A Hong Kong woman and a survivor of the Manila hostage crisis blames the Philippine government for the loss of her husband and two daughters. The incident has also left her son in critical condition.<br /><br />A Hong Kong woman whose husband and two daughters were among eight tourists killed in a bus hostage siege in Manila, has blamed Philippine authorities for the tragedy.<br /><br />[Mrs. Leung, Hostage Survivor]: (female, Cantonese) <br />"My husband is dead and my only son is in the ICU. I thought that by trying to stay alive I can take care of my kids. But then two are dead. Why didn't you help us earlier? No, I'm not blaming the Chinese government but the Philippine government. I really can't accept how they could do such a thing."<br /><br />The woman, who identified herself as Mrs. Leung, broke down at a Manila hospital after the deaths of her two daughters - aged 14 and 21 - were confirmed.<br /><br />Her 18-year-old son remained in intensive care with a serious head injury.<br /><br />The gunman, identified as ex-police captain Rolando Mendoza, was armed with a rifle and held 15 tourists hostage on a wide road in Manila's biggest park.<br /><br />[Mrs. Leung, Hostage Survivor]: (female, Cantonese) <br />"The gunman didn't want to hurt us but because negotiations failed, then he wanted to kill people. Money, why can't we have given money? I can't understand why money couldn't have been given to him."<br /><br />Mrs. Leung spoke of her husband's bravery.<br /><br />[Mrs. Leung, Hostage Survivor]: (female, Cantonese) <br />"My husband is dead. He was very brave. He rushed forward from behind to stop him (the gunman) from killing. He sacrificed himself."<br /><br />Police stormed the bus after more than 10 hours of hostage standoff.<br /><br />After around an hour the gunman was eventually killed and the hostages freed.<br /><br />Two more hostages were seriously wounded.