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Middlemarch by George Eliot | Period Drama Romance TV Miniseries S01 E02 (1994) Subtitles
#farewellmyqueen #davidcopperfield #themillonthefloss @bethfreed25<br />Still in Rome on their honeymoon, Dorothea begins to realize that her husband is not prepared to share his thoughts or his work with her. When her husband's cousin, the artist Will Ladislaw, calls on her, they obviously have much in common. On their return to England, the Reverend Casaubon makes it clear that his cousin is not welcome to visit them. While the good Reverend is recovering from a heart attack however, Dorothea's uncle Arthur Brooke invites Ladislaw to visit. The new fever hospital is opened to great fanfare and Dr. Lydgate and Rosamond Vincy fall in love. Rosamond's brother Fred is unable to pay his debts and has to rely on Caleb Garth - who co-signed for his loans - to pay his debts.<br />