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Middlemarch by George Eliot | Period Drama Romance TV Miniseries S01 E03 (1994) Subtitles
#farewellmyqueen #davidcopperfield #themillonthefloss @bethfreed25<br />With the death of his uncle, Fred Vincy had hoped to inherit enough money to pay off all of his debts. The last will and testament of the deceased doesn't provide what he had hoped for. Dr. Lydgate and Rosamond Vincy are married and move into a beautiful, large home. They are very happy together even if the new bride is a bit extravagant. Dorothea is unhappy in her marriage and her husband continues to shut out of his work. When she tries to speak to him about their financial situation, he shuts her out completely. When he hears that his cousin, Will Ladislaw had stooped at their house to visit, he writes to him forbidding him ever to come again. Mr. Ladislaw has taken a position working for Dorothea's uncle Arthur Brooke who has decided to enter politics.