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Middlemarch by George Eliot | Period Drama Romance TV Miniseries S01 E04 (1994) Subtitles

0 Views· 02/28/25
6 Subscribers

#farewellmyqueen #davidcopperfield #themillonthefloss @bethfreed25<br />Now a widow, Dorothea Casaubon is concerned that she was not a good wife to her late husband. He in turn continues to make her unhappy from the grave having added a codicil to his will disinheriting her were she to marry Will Ladislaw. She does agree with Dr. Lydgate's suggestion and offers Reverend Farebrother her husband's chaplaincy. Dr. Lydgate's cousin, Captain Lydgate comes for an extended visit and strikes a great friendship with the doctor's wife. Despite her husband's repeated requests, she continues to go riding with the Captain despite her advancing pregnancy. Fred Vincy returns from successfully completing his studies at Oxford with the intent of entering the clergy. There's a bit of revolution in the air with common men demanding the right to vote. Arthur Brooke is running for Parliament on a reform platform, but at a major rally he is ridiculed and forced off the stage and becomes a bit of a laughingstock. He decides to reconsider his intention to run. Nicholas Bulsrode is approached by an old business partner who knows much about his past.

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