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Philippine forces launch southern offensive
Philippine troops are continuing an offensive against "lawless elements" in the south, a day after the country's president vowed justice for soldiers killed in earlier clashes.<br/> On Monday, Philippine President Benigno Aquino ordered attacks on groups blamed for violence in the south that led to the deaths of about 30 soldiers in one week - but he resisted<br/> popular calls to suspend peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.<br/> Thousands of residents were forced to flee their homes, as security forces launched airstrikes for a second day on known Muslim rebel positions.<br/> And police checkpoints were set up as soldiers continued their pursuit of outlaw forces.<br/> (SOUNDBITE) (English) ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES CHIEF EDUARD OBAN, SAYING:<br/> "The directive is to continue the pursuit of lawless elements, wherever they are."<br/> The government and the MILF (M.I.L.F.) have been negotiating since 1997 to end more than four decades of conflict that has killed over 120,000 people.<br/> Talks were stalled in August when the rebels rejected Manila's autonomy offer and insisted on setting up a Muslim sub-state in the mainly Roman Catholic country.<br/> Travis Brecher, Reuters