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Shobnom Bubly Biography | Age | Family | Affairs | Movies | Education | Lifestyle and Profile
for more about Shobnom Bubly Visit https://tinyurl.com/ycdvaeob<br />Shobnom Bubly was born on 28 September in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bubly is a Bangladeshi newcomer movie actress. She was a news presenter in Banglavision TV, her nice looking appearance on the television screen helps her to build up a career in the Dhallywood film industry. Bubly is chosen by a director in replacing well-known actress Shobnom Bubly against Shakib Khan. She comes to the film industry of Bangladesh with the movie Bossgiri.<br /><br />Bangladeshi heartthrob actor Shakib Khan looking for a new face for his production house. The news presenter Bubly draws the actor eyes, Shakib Khan proposed her for the movie. But her family will not allow her to work in the film industry, Shakib gives her time to think on this matter. In the meantime, Bossgiri Director Shamim Ahmed Rony chose her for the movie and called her, she also refused him in concern of family matter.<br /><br />Thus the news anchor comes to the film industry and acted in her debut movie Bossgiri with Shakib Khan. In the same time, she acted in another blockbuster movie Shooter. Bubly showed off her terrific acting performance in the movie, if though she had no previous knowledge about the acting and dancing.