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The Яazzaqnewcali Documentary - pt 4
The Story of an L.A undergound rappers rise to international press, radio airings in the UK on 106.5fm Radiotircoed.com and placed on Coast2Coast official mixtapes in New York, Philly, and New Jersey it is estmiated that over 1.8 million online goers have adlease heard one of the rappers 400 solo mixtape recordings myspace.com/razzaqnewcali <br />hitting over 700,000 with youtube,reverbnation & myspace, combined and that's not counting the exclusive mixtape features in New York with Styles P, Meek Mill, Lupe Fiasco, Cory Gunz, Busta Rymes, T.I 50 young Jeezy and More or the 106.5fm exclusive airing in south wales with Christnia Perry, Foster The People, One Direction, Rihanna, Burno Mars, Foo Fighters, Em , Kanye West and Lil Wayne last but not lease this documenty is proof of the secuess of Elliott Razzaqnewcali Forté many along the way have made harsh & crual remarks about the artist mainly coming from the fake insiders Like Radio Hamburgs Tanja Ötvös and Reporter Alana Samuels. LAMES....