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This Sweet Proposal Is A Total Tearjerker

0 Views· 02/28/25
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Check out what went into making this totally sweet proposal to this Radio City Rockette perfect: http://www.yourtango.com/20087734/how-to-propose-to-a-rockette<br /><br />If you're a fellow hopeless romantic, grab some tissues and get ready to cue the waterworks! Whether it comes down to the totally magical feeling that Christmas brings around this time of year or the fact that we have another reason to spend as much time as possible with our significant others, there's just something about the holidays that makes us want to fall in love.<br /><br />[TRANSCRIPT]<br /><br />My name is Dave Mahanes and this is my wife Gelsey and we have been married about a year and half now. <br />I am a professional dancer and I am a Radio City Rockette. I said “Do you know what a Rockette is?” And he said ‘Oh yea, Oh yea’. And then later I find out in our relationship that he hung up the phone called his dad ‘What’s a Rockette!?’. And then yea, so from then on. <br />Sometimes it’s good to lie a little bit. Then I thought ‘Wow, I better get on this pretty quickly and not let this one get away. Radio City is such a- kind of a important part of Gelsey’s life and who she is and so when I knew I wanted to propose to her I knew I wanted to make it really special. And Christmas of course is the time of year everyone wants to get engaged. It’s kind of a festive Holiday season; time to celebrate with your family. And I found out that her mom and her grandmother were coming out to see the show. <br />Okay I’m in New York City at the the world famous Radio City Music Hall. I designed this whole plan and decided to go to Radio City Music hall on stage after the show.<br />I need you all help me with something, okay? When I say I need you to lift these up. Met her right in the middle of the stage and asks her to be my wife. <br />What are you doing? <br />What do you think?<br />I’m gonna cry.<br />Don’t cry.<br />I was really nervous and excited because I didn’t know what he was doing. <br />The whole bending of the knee thing didn’t give it away? <br />I could try to get some help from ya’ll. Did you figure it out? Did you?<br />Yay!<br />I would be the luckiest guy in the world if you would be my wife. Will you marry me? I hope it fits.<br />It matches your earrings. <br />It didn’t even occur to me that my mom and grandma were at the show so he just did it at a really opportune time. And I was very surprised and I thought it was really neat because I think it’s gonna be a really great memory that we will have for years to come. When you’ve waited for something like this all your life and you’ve someone as beautiful as Gelsey it’s wonderful. And to be able to experience this moment with someone is just-<br />Me of all people, I’m speechless. <br />I think I was just surprisingly just over-taken by the moment. Just the reality that man this is the time, this is the place and I’m asking her. And this is gonna change my life.<br />You have red lipstick all over you.<br /><br />For more information on the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and the Rockettes, <br />visit: http://www.radiocitychristmas.com<br /><br />Images of Radio City Music Hall and of the Radio City Rockettes are used with permission from Madison Square Garden, L.P. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tubemogul.<br /><br />Follow YourTango:<br />Web: http://www.yourtango.com<br />Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/YourTango<br />Twitter: http://www.yourtango.com<br />Photo: http://weheartit.com/entry/19987985/

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