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Thousands protest Filipino president
An anti-government protest in Manila.<br/> <br />Almost 3,000 activists gathered in the capital city on Monday to demonstrate against poor labor conditions, unjust land laws and increased US military presence under President Benigno Aquino's administration.<br/> <br />(SOUNDBITE) (English) BAGONG ALYANSANG MAKABAYAN (NEW PATRIOTIC ALLIANCE) SPOKESPERSON RENATO REYES SAYING:<br/> <br />"Well if there's any development right now, it's not being felt by the people. It's just being felt by the one percent; 99 percent of the people are suffering from high prices, low wages, landlessness, unemployment and poverty. So there's nothing really that we can celebrate, two years after the Aquino Administration took office."<br/> <br />The protesters gathered in a main avenue near the House of Representatives, as Aquino delivered a policy speech on economic growth and improved education and health care.<br/> <br />Hundreds of riot police blocked the protesters on the street leading to the building.<br/> <br />Aquino said 3.1 million new jobs have been created since he took office, and that a growth in business and tourism are set to open more opportunities.<br/> <br />Sarah Wali,<br/> <br />Reuters