Upcoming Movies 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and Beyond
Subscribe For More! If you want to know all the upcoming and near future films years before anyone else than this is the video for you! Here I list all the most popular films from now, all the way until 2020! But it doesnt end there. I also list films that are in development and will be released beyond 2020! I hope you liked it and if you did please leave a like and comment and or SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!
<br>There are a few things I need to point out because there have been a lot of people commenting about certain things. The topic that comes up most often on my channel is Ted 2. I wanted to clarify that Ted 2 was not out yet when I made this video. Also people are mistaking the note that says 2020 and beyond. You really have to read the note carefully as it says SOME of these movies will be released after 2020. It never says all of them so some of the movies listed after 2020 will be released before 2020. Also there used to be actual songs on here before but I had to take them off because I didnt want to risk getting a copyright strike as I already had 1. I hope this clarifies all the confusion. Thank you and please click that subscribe button for more!