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Warner Bros. to Expand the DC Universe With 6 Superhero Films a Year
Warner Bros. to Expand the DC Universe With 6 Superhero Films a Year.<br />DC Films head Walter Hamada has laid out<br />Warner Bros.’ intricate plan to expand the DC universe. .<br />He told 'The New York Times’ that the studio<br />is set to expand its slate of superhero movies for <br />both theaters and release on HBO Max. .<br />Starting in 2022, up to four titles will <br />be released in theaters.<br />and two more “riskier” projects will be<br />produced specifically for HBO Max.<br />The streaming platform will also be home<br />to a number of spinoff projects, such as ‘Suicide Squad’<br />spinoff ‘The Peacemaker’ and a ‘Batman’ spinoff. .<br />With every movie that we’re<br />looking at now, we are thinking,<br />‘What’s the potential Max spinoff?’, Walter Hamada, to 'The New York Times'.<br />The boldest change — Warner Bros. has decided to create<br />a DC multiverse, with 'Wonder Woman' existing on Earth 1 and<br />Robert Pattinson’s ‘Batman’ belonging to Earth 2. .<br />In addition, the DC extended universe<br />will have its own ‘Batman’ saga running<br />simultaneously with Pattinson’s ‘Batman.’.<br />I don’t think anyone else has ever<br />attempted this … But audiences are<br />sophisticated enough to understand<br />it. If we make good movies, they<br />will go with it. , Walter Hamada, to 'The New York Times'