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Young Mr. Lincoln 1939 | Henry Fonda in Period Drama | Hollywood classic movie
Film: Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)<br />Studio: 20th Century Fox<br />Director: John Ford<br />Writer: Lamar Trotti<br />Cast: Henry Fonda, Alice Brady, Marjorie Weaver, Arleen Whelan<br />Few American historical figures are as revered as Abraham Lincoln, and few director-star collaborations embody classic Hollywood cinema as beautifully as the one between John Ford and Henry Fonda. This film, their first together, was Ford’s equally poetic and significant follow-up to the groundbreaking western Stagecoach, and in it Fonda gives one of the finest performances of his career, as the young president-to-be, a novice lawyer struggling with an incendiary murder case. Photographed in gorgeous black and white by Ford’s frequent collaborator Bert Glennon, Young Mr. Lincoln is a compassionate and assured work and an indelible piece of Americana.